Running in so many directions at once: four children, ages 28 to 15; a husband; a full-time job; and a home typically make for a pretty busy day.
After the craze of the past month - including way more than normal upheaval in both the work and home environs, I am especially enjoying the sudden...calm. Today I've been able to tie up lots of loose ends in preparation for Christmas and it feels wonderful. I even had a half hour to sit down and read - unheard of! - though I did nod off for a few minutes.
I woke at 6 this morning, which feels like sleeping in. Made two trips to Target for stocking stuffers (they didn't actually open at 7, despite Tony's assurances. Had fun putting together the store list for cookies and our Christmas meals. The preparation is probably the most fun of the holiday. Can't wait to start baking with all the kiddles. So, just a few more newsletters to mail and a few more gifts to wrap and I'll be pretty much finished. Yippee!
Once again this morning, I woke way before the alarm. I have gotten to the point where instead of laying in bed THINKING about what I need to do, it's best to just get up and get started.
Remembering that Sam needed to make brownies for a class and that she had had a bad headache the night before, I decided to toss those puppies in the oven. When I came upstairs to check on her and told her that the brownies were nearly done. She looked at me and just sort of fell into my arms, gave me two hugs and thanked me several times, from the bottom of her heart. It was one of the best moments I've had in a long time. I guess these early mornings can pay off sometimes.
Okay, I admit it...I'm a Wii addict. Especially Wii tennis - I'll just never get over how much it feels like you're actually playing. I guess I miss tennis more than I thought. So imagine my distress on Saturday when ours went kaput and promises of repairs were stretching into January. I was really struggling with the fact that several Christmas gifts were now ruined and that I had these wonderful visions of the entire family playing together over the break.
Fortunately, Tony is just as nuts as I am, so we both went out in the "Wii hours" of Sunday morning - he to Best Buy and me to Target to try to score at least one unit. I have to say that despite my initial hesitation, the experience was one of the highlights of my weekend. There is something about standing outside in the cold, knowing that the reason is entirely stupid, that brings people together. I had the good fortune of spending two hours with three other people, who by the end of the wait, felt like friends. Don't know if it was the shared misery or the lack of sleep, but standing in line in front of Target in the dark for two hours was a blast. AND I got a Wii! Since Tony got one as well, we've decided to sell the second and make a few extra dollars for the Jinzhoutou School in China.
I have to say that despite feeling a bit sheepish over the silliness of such a pursuit, I was a little lighter of heart yesterday. Just looking for the silver lining lately.