Today is "T Minus One" for Huey's surgery and I'm hoping to use my silly blog as a way to keep people updated without having to contact everyone individually. Plus, it'll give me something to keep me busy. Now let's just hope they have wireless Internet at the Medical Center! So, to check on how things are going, just log on to the Blog tomorrow for updates.

This morning's project was to cook some goodies to drop off with Mom when I pick up Huey this evening. My goal is for her to have an easy dinner for at least a few nights while Huey is away. So I threw together a pan of lasagne and an apple pie. I know it's not comparable to food from "Freddie's" but it'll have to do.
I'll leave here around 3:30 to tackle the first leg of the trip - from Herndon to Hagerstown. I've got to find out if there's some way for Hugh to be able to listen to the Steelers game in the car - though knowing how excitable he gets, that may not be a good idea - he's likely to be screaming while I'm driving Leg #2 - to Baltimore.
Once we arrive in Baltimore, we'll be staying at the commodious Hampton Inn, about a four-minute walk from the UMMC. Here's a link to information about the hotel: Though we really won't be spending much time there.
More interesting is information about the UMMC and the surgery itself. Here's a really cool link with info about the specific surgery and it even has a profile of Hugh's doctor, Dr. Gammie.
Hopefully I'll be able to post tonight from the hotel and then periodically tomorrow throughout the day, as updates are available. Feel free to email me at
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