Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday Hugh Update

I went to my book club last night and missed Mom's call. When I got home, around 10, I asked Tony if my Mom had called and he said he didn't think so. This morning when I came downstairs, I noticed there was a message on our vm. So I played it and as she heard my Mom's voice, Claire piped up that she had spoken to her last night. Huh? It turns out that Tony had been helping Sydney with piano (and she must have been playing REALLY loud, because Tony didn't hear the phone) and Claire heard Mom's voice on the message, so she picked up! Gotta love a six-year-old who shows a little initiative! Anyway, they apparently had a lovely chat about Thanksgiving, Christmas, The Nutcracker, etc. Good for them.

I did call Mom back today to get the intended update. She was about to go and get her hair done and then see Hugh, but she took a few minutes to bring me up to  speed. He did have his appointment with the local cardiologist yesterday, Dr. Hood. The doctor is, as mom reports, "guardedly optimistic" about Hugh's condition. We suspect the "guarded" part is because he didn't do the surgery so a lot of his medical opinion is based on "hearsay" in a manner of speaking. But we'll take it. I suspect the really important appointment is the one with Dr. Gammie on the 9th of December.

Mom is a little disappointed that Hugh isn't going to be "released" until the day after Thanksgiving. While they both hoped for something a little sooner, I hastened to remind her that that is only a week from tomorrow! It'll be here before she knows it. I had contemplated coming for a visit that day, but we'll wait and see how things go - I don't want it to be circus on the day he comes home. 

Hugh's therapy lately has revolved around climbing stairs. Good practice for when he comes home to his split level! He's working more with a cane rather than a walker. He also reports that he's really looking forward to sleeping in his own bed. I can only imagine - the last time he slept in it was on the 25th of October! 

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