Saturday, January 3, 2009

Playoff Fever

My recent bad luck seems to be edging into all aspects of my life. I waited literally ALL YEAR to see my beloved Falcons play live on TV. Against all odds they made it to the playoffs - imagine my excitement knowing that I would FINALLY get to see them. 

And it was exciting...for the first half. Then I had the all-too-familiar experience of watching them self-destruct in the second half. Sigh. 

Meanwhile, there are other familial favorites who are still in the running: Joe's Colts and Tony and Sam's Ravens. Hopefully at least one of them will stick around long enough to "represent." 

There's always next year! A refrain I have been practicing for 38 years!!!


Ani said...

wow I really can feel ur energy!
ur blog is amazing :)

Belinda said...

How about immediate family? Do their teams matter?LOL