Okay now the days and locations are REALLY starting to get mixed up in my head. At least we are not alone. We constantly chat with our travel group members and comment on something in particular we saw or tasted and it always takes us a few minutes to piece together when/where we were. And while we're here for just over two weeks, some families have been here even longer - one since June 9th. Their trip will be a full month.
I was doing REALLY well with going with the flow and being up for every new food and experience and not missing home too much - until - our last night in Xi'an (Sunday) when I made the fateful decision to eat a piece of Chicken Satay IN THE HOTEL and have paid a big price for the past few days. As soon as I ate it I knew it wasn't going to end well, but it's so ironic that we have steered the girls clear of street skewers and then I get taken out by a Sheraton skewer. Forty eight hours later I am maybe just starting to feel a bit better but I haven't slept or eaten much at all ever since. Not easy when we have moved cities twice since then and been on a plane, a boat, a bus, and been force marched in crazy heat and humidity several times
So let's back up a bit. We had a nice dinner upon arrival in Guilin yesterday after which most of the group headed out to explore the city a bit by bus. I hated to do it, but I had to opt out. It sounds like I missed out because they were able to visit some gorgeous temples and see fishermen using cormorant birds.

This morning we piled out of the Bravo Hotel at 8am in order to make it to our boat for the Li River Cruise. The Cruise was spectacular from beginning to end and, best of us, gave me an opportunity to SIT and nibble on bread. We cruised from Guilin south to Yangshuo, which takes about 3.5 to 4 hours. You never get tired of the classic Chinese countryside scenery.

After disembarking, we had to hoof it from the dock uphill into the town of Yangshuo, navigating through dozens of shops (which I am happy to report we will have time to visit tomorrow) in order to meet back up with our bus. It was insanely humid but I made it. Normally the heat doesn't bother me but being low on fluids and food is taking its toll.
And while I was hoping our next stop was the hotel, we had one one additional stop to make - though in hindsight it was well worth it. An elderly farmer named Mr. Pan, along with his wife and sister in law live in a 300 year old farmhouse and allow a few groups to stop by for an inside look at life as they know it. An adorable couple - so sweet and welcoming. They let the girls try to churn some soy milk, and pointed out bits of their way of life. Mr. Pan's sister in law, whose husband passed a few years ago, even showed us the coffin she will be buried in, which is displayed in the house. In the photo below, Mr. Pan demonstrates how his bird can understanding counting in several languages and even demonstrated in Spanish - or maybe something that would be better termed "Spanese."

FINALLY we made it to our home for two nights, the Yangshuo Mountain Retreat. It is pretty incredible. Kind of rustic, but with incredible scenery wherever you look. We plan to have dinner shortly and then Tony and the girls will head out to a local show with the group while I continue to try to get better.

Yangshuo Moubtain Retreat, which looks out over a gorgeous river. I need to find out which one!
Only THREE FULL DAYS left in China. Part of me is really bummed but another part misses my bed, my cats, and the option to not have to force march in 99 degree humidity!
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