Sunday, April 6, 2008


It never ceases to amaze me when one of my kids goes out into the world and does something completely on her or her own - and does it well. Yesterday was Claire's first lacrosse game and despite being a tiny six-year-old playing amongst much larger seven- and eight-year-olds, she really held her own and played well. She even took two shots on goal!

She just seems so little out there, but got right in the middle of things and did exactly what she was supposed to (no surprise, coming from Claire). Very cool to watch and I'm looking forward to many more games.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Spring Preview

Last Tuesday brought a welcome, but temporary relief from the cold and rain. The temperatures soared into the 70s with bright sunshine - a beautiful day. It was incredibly lucky that it occured on a Tuesday - the ONLY day we currently have without any kind of scheduled activity. We took full advantage and the girls were barely off the bus before running out to draw with sidewalk chalk, jump rope, swing, and play hide and seek. Our neighbor, Julie, who is a 5th grade came over with another girl from the neighborhood and the four girls ended up playing together. It was just a huge realization that Claire and Sydney are now old enough to pretty much go out and play with just a little supervision here and there. No more "little kids" who I have to stay with constantly. Mixed feelings about having more freedom, but struggling a little with the realization that they'll soon BOTH be six.