Monday, December 24, 2007

Friends Reunited

Sometimes your extended family may not be QUITE what you'd bargained for. Somehow that is easier to deal with when you've got amazing friends who more than make up for all those family issues. In fact, they are more like family themselves.

Today Velvet and Isa came to visit. We miss them so much while they're away, but we always seem to be able to pick up RIGHT where we left off.

Isa is growing into such a beautiful little girl and it's just such a treat to see her playing so avidly with Claire and Sydney. The three of them seem to have that same ability to pick things right back up.

Talking to Velvet is such a big treat for me too. No one "gets" me the way she does and I think it's more than our shared history. She just knows me better than any of my other friends and manages to feel exactly the same way I do about so many things.

One more thing I am grateful for this Christmas: amazing friends like Velvet and Isa.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Relative Calm

After the craze of the past month - including way more than normal upheaval in both the work and home environs, I am especially enjoying the sudden...calm. Today I've been able to tie up lots of loose ends in preparation for Christmas and it feels wonderful. I even had a half hour to sit down and read - unheard of! - though I did nod off for a few minutes.

I woke at 6 this morning, which feels like sleeping in. Made two trips to Target for stocking stuffers (they didn't actually open at 7, despite Tony's assurances. Had fun putting together the store list for cookies and our Christmas meals. The preparation is probably the most fun of the holiday. Can't wait to start baking with all the kiddles. So, just a few more newsletters to mail and a few more gifts to wrap and I'll be pretty much finished. Yippee!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Grace and Beauty

As a parent, it just doesn't get any better than watching your children go out into the world and be independent "people." Phase One of this process has got to be early sports or performances. In our case, with Claire and Sydney, their earliest opportunities have involved ballet.
Yesterday we had another such opportunity and, with tremendous pride, watched our girls do something that clearly delights them. I am so grateful for their health, beauty, intelligence and the JOY that they experience while dancing.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Baking Before Dawn

Once again this morning, I woke way before the alarm. I have gotten to the point where instead of laying in bed THINKING about what I need to do, it's best to just get up and get started.

Remembering that Sam needed to make brownies for a class and that she had had a bad headache the night before, I decided to toss those puppies in the oven. When I came upstairs to check on her and told her that the brownies were nearly done. She looked at me and just sort of fell into my arms, gave me two hugs and thanked me several times, from the bottom of her heart. It was one of the best moments I've had in a long time. I guess these early mornings can pay off sometimes.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Loose Teeth

Took the girls to the dentist yesterday and the "buzz" was all about who had loose teeth and how many. A few weeks ago, Sydney pointed out that she had a loose tooth - which made Claire absolutely crazy. In kindergarten, for reasons unknown, a loose tooth is a guaranteed status symbol. Claire is dying to join this elite group, but her teeth have not cooperated. So imagine her delight when Dr. Wanda informed her that she actually has two that are becoming loose. Claire immediately tried to get Dr. Wanda to commit to a specific day and time that the teeth would come out, but Wanda wisely did not provide specifics.

Even more surprising was the fact that not only does Sydney have two very loose teeth, but her permanent teeth are coming in behind them! It's kind of cool that she's carrying on our family tradition of permanent teeth not waiting for baby teeth to evacuate - even though it's bound to mean orthodontia. It also drove home for me that these girls are growing up - too fast. Permanent teeth! What's next? Dating and gradution?

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Wii Hours

Okay, I admit it...I'm a Wii addict. Especially Wii tennis - I'll just never get over how much it feels like you're actually playing. I guess I miss tennis more than I thought. So imagine my distress on Saturday when ours went kaput and promises of repairs were stretching into January. I was really struggling with the fact that several Christmas gifts were now ruined and that I had these wonderful visions of the entire family playing together over the break.

Fortunately, Tony is just as nuts as I am, so we both went out in the "Wii hours" of Sunday morning - he to Best Buy and me to Target to try to score at least one unit. I have to say that despite my initial hesitation, the experience was one of the highlights of my weekend. There is something about standing outside in the cold, knowing that the reason is entirely stupid, that brings people together. I had the good fortune of spending two hours with three other people, who by the end of the wait, felt like friends. Don't know if it was the shared misery or the lack of sleep, but standing in line in front of Target in the dark for two hours was a blast. AND I got a Wii! Since Tony got one as well, we've decided to sell the second and make a few extra dollars for the Jinzhoutou School in China.

I have to say that despite feeling a bit sheepish over the silliness of such a pursuit, I was a little lighter of heart yesterday. Just looking for the silver lining lately.

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Sun Returns

I actually kind of like the title of today's entry. It represents three things: the literal return of the sun after a rain-soaked week, the return of the SON meaning Joe, from college and the return of a ray of brightness after a particularly difficult week. It's also Friday - which never hurts!

It is such a great feeling to have all four children under one roof - so much more meaningful now that Joe is gone so much of the time. I'm really looking forward to having him back around and brushing up on my Wii skills!
I'll just have to do my utmost to enjoy the next few weeks and not get caught up in the stress of holiday preparation - not easy for me.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Pre-Holiday Monday

One of the girls' homework assignments today was to create a family crest. It was so interesting to hear their "spin" on their family and how the family is "represented." I love that both girls think of themselves as multicultural - they both included both the American and Chinese flag (though Sydney's Chinese flag was purple instead of red). Claire was also tasked with filling a box that reflected our "holiday traditions." How in the world do you put your holiday traditions into a 6" by 10" box? Yikes. We went heavily with photos. I suppose it's a good assignment if it makes you THINK, right.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

'Tis the Season...

Even though yesterday was every bit as over scheduled as I feared, everything actually went well and we got through without any major hitches.
The piano recital was terrific and Claire got through it without any problem at all. She was 100% focused - on the candy cane she could have after she finished. She had barely gotten up from the piano when she turned to me and said, "Can I have a candy cane now"? She had to wait a few seconds - some of the residents of the assisted-living center where the recital was being held wanted to know how old she was. She did respond, which surprised me. On the way over to the snack table, one of the dads said to me, "she's amazing." I think she is, but that's my job!
After a brief relaxation period, we headed out for a Pre-Nutcracker dinner. We chose a Japanese restaurant that was new to us and enjoyed it very much. Soon we were at the Nutcracker as performed by the Reston Conservatory. I have to say that the girls' faces at this performance is absolutely one of the highlights of the season for me. They are nothing short of enthralled for nearly three hours as they watch the "big girls" dancing onstage. Their eyes are like saucers and they barely move the entire time. I did have one humorous moment when Claire leaned over and whispered to me, conspiratorially, "there are musicians under the stage!" I hated to burst her bubble - the music was prerecorded. A great evening all around.
This morning we set out relatively early to cut down a Christmas tree. We returned to our favorite farm, Jacobsen's, despite the steady morning rain. Fortunately, the rain did let up just about the time we arrived. Unfortunately, the damage was already done in terms of the mud EVERYWHERE. Tony and I are planners, however, so we had plenty of plastic bags at the ready for boots. The selection was paltry, but we did manage to find a tree that pleased everyone and Tony got it cut down in record time. The wet ground may have been a factor in his speed!
So now the tree is up and decorated and the only remaining challenge is keeping the cats from sleeping on the tree skirt. Toby and Callie have been doused with the squirt gun repeatedly, but something about Christmas trees just seems to call to them. With the tree up, it is definitely beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Off to See The Mouse King

Isn't that a great photo? THAT's what it looks like outside when you wake up before 6am on a Saturday morning. My intermittent insomnia issues seem to be returning as my mind wrestles with my long "to do" list. When I awoke at "5 dark thirty" I knew there was no way I was going back to sleep. So, employing the maxim, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em," I just gave in to it and got started on laundry, newsletter publishing, and Christmas shopping (oh, and Blogging, too!)
When I walked out to get the newspaper, it was still raining. I was really hoping to be able to hunt and retrieve a Christmas tree tomorrow, but don't relish the thought of doing so in a cold rain. Hopefully it clears out by tomorrow - but it's bound to still be a mud-fest.
Now it's time to fire up the credit card for some online shopping before I lose all track of time with my haircut, the library, Sydney's soccer clinic, Claire's piano recital, AND The Nutcracker performance at 7:30 this evening.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Christmas Overdrive

SO much to do as I start to panic about Christmas being a mere three weeks away. I always start to sweat when the online ordering window begins to close.
Additionally, last night I began full-scale production of our Holiday Newsletter. Somehow I've managed to put myself in a position where each year's newsletter must exceed the quality of the year before. Fortunately, I love doing it and have a crack editing staff (see photo above). But the printing takes FOREVER - good thing I am the Queen of Multitasking.
Also adding to the "joy" of the season is a VERY busy day tomorrow. After Sydney's soccer clinic, Claire will be performing in her first piano recital tomorrow at 2:30. That's her, above, getting in a last-minute practice of "Joy to the World." After the recital, we've got tickets for the Nutcracker.
Also hoping to get a Christmas tree this weekend, but we'll see if weather and schedules permit. On my "like to do" list is to see "Atonement." One of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors and it got great reviews. All of those elements can only lead to disappointment, but I am determined to discover that for myself!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Two-Hour Delay

I sound so old when I say this but, boy, times have changed. When I was a kid you found out about a two-hour delay the old-fashioned way: you got up at the crack of dawn and started watching TV or listening to the radio. This morning, my cell phone received an automatic text message promptly at 5am, informing me of the delay. Even though I did not appreciate being woken up, the technology lover in me couldn't help but think that was pretty cool.

So, while I trundle off to work at 8:15, the rest of the family will get off to a somehow slower start. No one is more appreciative than Sam, who loves going to school late more than anything - and often "makes" her own late days.

Claire, on the other hand, was already up, dressed, and eating her breakfast when I came down after showering. I've recently given her permission to come down by herself in the morning (so long as it is past 7am). She is relishing this new independence and takes it very seriously, following her guidelines to the letter.

The snow is very pretty outside and I wish I could just stay here and try to photograph it. Instead, I'll bring my camera with me and hope for something decent while waiting at any number of stoplights!
Today's photos are: Sam heading out for her very first ice-scaping experience with her new Ravens ice scraper; Sam trying, in vain, to open her car door, which was apparently frozen; and Claire "enjoying" her extra time this morning - by doing some extra math exercises!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Snowy Day in December

There is something "calming" about waking up to a snow-covered landscape. It just gives the world a quietness that we desperately need at times. I just wish that snow did not have to equate to cold! I guess snow still excites people at all ages. Joe texted me last night to exclaim that it was snowing in Philadelphia. (Gee - I thought it was "Always Sunny in Philadelphia")

Today is a "work at home day" - one more thing to be grateful for.

The ability to sleep in a little, wear comfortable clothing, and watch the snow from home. Above is a photo of Tony, who has broken out his Drexel fleece for the occasion. The only fly in the ointment is the need to drive to Tysons Corner at 10 for a car maintenance appointment. Drat! I've also included a few photos of the snow.

Other than that, my day is planned to trudge through my never-ending project at work, the editing of "Engineering Design." And maybe do a little online Christmas shopping at lunch. Sounds like a pretty good day to me.