The thing that absolutely cracked me up the most today happened on my way to get lunch for my entire Booth crew. I was walking to a little sandwich place called "Toasters" with Brian Lien. Brian had eaten there on Tuesday and recommended it. Anyway, we leave the CC and head out the back door. As we near the street, Brian says, "since you're the newbie, you get to hold the flag." Excuse me? Apparently, since this entire freaking town is under construction, they have invented a new, safe(?) way for people to cross streets. In seemingly random places, you will find a bucket of flags (see photo above) on each side of a street. When a pedestrian wishes to cross, he or she is supposed to select a flag, proceed INTO the street, REGARDLESS of oncoming traffic and wave the flag as he or she crosses the street. Once reaching the opposite side, you are supposed to put the flag into the bucket on THAT side. I nearly died laughing, but did, in fact, wave my flag in order to procure lunch for my friends. We are hoping to get an "Abbey Road"-type photo of our entire staff before we leave. We are also plotting to swipe one flag to post on our wall back at ITEA.
My second funniest story was told to me secondhand. It involves Mo accidentally wandering into the Men's room. The best part is that later one of her exhibitors had to ask her to zip up her fly! And then later, Tamara experienced a similar problem with HER fly. What the heck?
After some meetings and closing up the Booth, I had to shoot some photos at both the New Member and Welcome Receptions. I have to say they were PACKED. Probably had a little something to do with Barbara Morgan making her special appearance. Finally dragged myself out of there after 7pm.
We managed to escape the Marriott and Mo, Lari, Tamara and I walked to dinner with Brian, Fred Blount, Roger and Kay Uhl, and David McGee. And yes, on the way, we made sure to cross at as many "flag crossings" as possible. We initially decided to try PF Chaings, but the wait was too long so we ended up at an Italian chain called something like "Buco Beppo's" or something like that. We somehow got a waiter who spoke German, so Brian was in heaven and spent half the meal speaking German. Mo and I tried to respond in French, but failed miserably. I hear the food was good, but I was just too tired to care. Tony, you will be DELIGHTED to hear that I chose an Italian beer!!
Kathie - I did create a video for you, but Blogger gave me an error message. I will try again tomorrow.
Off to bed. Tomorrow is another (very long) day...
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