Yesterday morning, our last in Salt Lake, feels like 100 years ago and I am tired to the point of slurred speech, but BOY does it feel good to be home! Anyway, Saturday morning dawned (SURPRISE!) rainy and dreary. We have had only very rare glimpses of the sun during our entire stay. This was a great year to have such a short distance between the hotel and CC - it wasn't too bad to dash across the street even when it was raining. Although you might get wet if you waited for the "official" crossing signal. Mostly, especially in the early morning, most people just made a dash for it.
I got to the booth at 7:30 and was bummed to see that Steve, Linda, and Ron had all beat me today and had the booth all ready for business. We discussed a little packing strategy and then settled in to a very quiet morning. I had to run back to the hotel for photos of a TECA Challenge and the Program Excellence Breakfast but got back pretty quickly (which was good since Steve was timing me). I did promise Starbucks to both Ron and Linda, but reneged on it when the line had (and I counted) 13 people. Sorry Ron and Linda! I owe you both a Starbucks beverage (check your mail in the coming weeks).
Had a rough start to our morning when we realized that we had virtually no small bills in our petty cash and no accountant on site to rectify the situation. Rumor had it that she had already left town. Hmmm. But wasn't there money to be dealt with at the end of conference? Thankfully, Tamara was there to pick up the pieces. We were also very grateful for Kendall's quick run to get us small bills.
Started boxing things up about 10, but left everything out - which was good because we did have a little rush of business around that time. But by 11, the CC was a ghost town so we started packing in earnest and had it done by about 11:30. Left me just enough time to pack up my computer, check out of the hotel and get to the Awards Luncheon.
It's so hard to spend an hour or two packing and hauling boxes and then have to sit still through speeches, etc. At one point Fred actually fell asleep, but I took pity and did not photograph him. Fortunately, it went quickly, I got my photos and then we were off to the airport.
Other than being WAY early, the airport experience was incredibly easy and problem-free. The time passed quickly, especially when we were able to wait with Roseanne and Susan (both on our flight) and Ron and Gary Wynn, who were waiting for a flight at the next gate.
The flight was easy and passed quickly and I came home and crashed. SO glad to be home. Soon I hope to have the full "public viewing" slideshow ready as well as the "Super Secret Slideshow." Stay tuned.
Today's pics are actually leftover from Friday night's excursion to PF Chiang's. The first is yet ANOTHER attempt to capture the hilarity of the flag-crossing experience. Unfortunately, it's once again too dark to get a decent shot and I only had my "little" camera. Anyway, hopefully you can get a feel for it. That's Brian at the front, followed by Lari, Mo, and Tamara and then Roger and Kay, who is holding another flag at the rear. Have to say that Kay got as big a kick out of those flags as I did!
Second photo was taken at the restaurant. We were joking with our waiter about David and Fred being from Texas, so he sent over one of the waitresses, who announced that she was from Texas, too. Couldn't pass up that photo op.
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