Sam and I were relieved to wake up to partly sunny skies. We had a huge storm around 11 last night - complete with hail - and the forecast today was for rain and wind. While there were threatening clouds on and off all day, there were
also some sunny periods. We didn't get at all wet until about 7pm and even that wasn't bad.
As per the plan we headed straight to Notre Dame. As breathtaking as it is from the exterior, the interior literally brought tears to my eyes. It's absolutely awe-inspiring.
Next was St Chappelle, with stained glass that is stunning. Sam and I have been using the Rick Steves tour book and we really enjoyed his educational and

Next came the archeological crypt - the area adjacent to Notre Dame but underground where there are remarkably intact sections of ancient Roman structures. A big wow.
After that we visited the deportation museum - where the invading Nazis held Parisienne Jews before shipping them off to concentration camps. The memorial was incredibly
We had light lunch on the Left Bank and then wandered over to Palais Royal gardens. Then some general walking around before attacking both the Orangerie AND Orsay Museums. Plenty of Impressionists to go around.
We were getting a bit weary, so we stopped in yet another riverside cafe for a quick crepe. Oh - forgot to mention one crazy incident along Quay de Louvre. Apparently a bus had slightly clipped a car in traffic and then tried to drive off. Uh, NO. The car driver went nuts and jumped in front of the bus shouting over and over "reste ici!" (stay here!). The bus wouldn't stop but kept slowly backing the guy up until the car driver's friend pulls in front of the bus and parks sideways - effectively blocking all the lanes of an incredibly busy thoroughfare. A big mess. Finally the bus flinched and dispatched a woman who we assume must have been the tour operator. Quite the to do. We moved along.
The Louvre has special hours on Friday, so we went later (around 5:30) to try to avoid the worst of the crowds. We did the Rick Steves' tour of the Denon Wing (hope to go back to Richlieu Wing tomorrow or Sunday). It was simply fabulous. Everything I had hoped for and more. We only left after several hours due to hunger failing feet.
Tomorrow we hope to head out to Versailles in the morning. Hopefully Sam will repeat her "breakfast run" of this morning in which she ran down the street to get us each a pastry. Though we spent very little time here, our neighborhood is so cool. Lots of boulangeries, creperies, cafes, and lovely little shops. It is so much fun for me to observe Sam as she communicates in French. She has no trouble making herself understood OR in understanding what is being said to her. And as much as I enjoy listening to her, she enjoys even more hanging me out to dry and forcing me to have to talk on my own. It rarely goes well and she often has to come to the rescue.
Things seem to be going well at home. Joe came up with the brilliant idea of setting up a blog for Claire and Sydney so they can keep me abreast of all I am missing. He named the blog "Punk/Counterpunk" - utilizing his favorite nickname for the girls.
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