My husband is a remarkable planner: very organized and very efficient. And he makes it look really easy. I am actually that way myself, but his skills in this realm are far superior. So, I've let my guard down a little. Despite my best efforts to the contrary, I've become just a little...dependent on him.
So, taking this upcoming trip to Paris and London has already been good for me. It's forced me to step back into the role of "chief organizer/planner" and while it's daunting at times, it also feels pretty good.
Today for example. Had to run to the bank to get travelers' checks as well as some "get started" currency - both Euros and Pounds. Also found out that my bank card isn't working - REALLY glad I gave THAT a trial run before the actual pond crossing. Anyway, it was no big deal and only took about half an hour to get everything squared away at the bank, but this is one of those tasks that Tony would have ordinarily handled on another trip. I just like knowing I can handle all the little details if I have to.
Actually, this is a cake walk after our last China trip. For the uninitiated, the day we were scheduled to leave for Sydney's adoption trip, Tony needed emergency surgery for a bad infection resulting from a botched Achilles tendon surgery. This meant that, with about two hours' notice, I became the person completely in charge of three kids (almost 16, 14, and 3) - soon to be FOUR kids - on our way to the other side of the world. I will never forget driving to the airport, with Tony literally throwing travelers' checks at me and dictating last-minute instructions. I also recall arriving (finally) at our destination, sleep-deprived and then faced with tasks such as standing in line at a Chinese bank (for literally hours) to exchange currency, and trying to figure out how to get an Internet connection so that we could find out Tony's status.
So...heading off to Europe with one 18-year-old with PLENTY of time to plan is definitely something I can do. Yes, I have become a little dependent on Tony, but I do appreciate all the things he does to make my life easier on a daily basis. It's just nice to know I still take care of myself as well. When I need to. Occasionally.
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