Thursday, October 12, 2017

Cannabis and Canals

Sunday, October 8, 2017

This morning we had another fabulous breakfast (those eggs! that bread!) in our hotel before walking back to the Maastricht train station for the last time and boarding our train to Amsterdam. We pulled into Centraal Station at about 11:30 and made our way to the Citadel Hotel, where we dropped our bags before setting off to explore the city. As usual, Tony did an amazing job of choosing a hotel - close to the station, Dam Square, and more.

We sort of stumbled into Dam Square, since Tony needed an ATM (through a series of missteps, we were literally down to our last 2 Euros), but what a great introduction to Amsterdam. This huge, fabulous square, full of people, full of crazy side shows, full of life! (full of pigeons!)
I have to admit, we were all running on empty at this point - so we spent a great deal of the day just wandering aimlessly. But first - LUNCH! We found a good Irish pub near one of the canals and Spring Flower and I ordered fish and chips on the recommendation of her Chemistry teacher (who claims that fish and chips in The Netherlands are the best). I'm not sure they were the BEST, but they were good and they came with a healthy pint of beer, so it totally worked for me. 

After lunch, we were able to check in to the Hotel Citadel and it was an adorable little property. We got everyone sorted and then headed back out to wander the streets, through the wafting plumes of marijuana and trying to steer clear of the red light district. Our next venture was a canal tour, which I really enjoyed. First of all, I got to SIT. Second of all, I got to sit on a BOAT. Third, I got to do numbers 1 and 2 in a city as cool as Amsterdam. Got to see lots of great historical sights, amazing architecture, and even the Purse and Bag Museum before disembarking. 

After some additional aimless wandering, we popped back to our hotel for a brief break and stumbled onto a useful piece of information. We all really wanted to visit the Anne Frank House, but it routinely sells out two months in advance. Our buddy Rick Steves shares in his book that same-day tickets start selling in the late afternoon, and that it can sometimes work to stand in line at about 7pm and try your luck. We had planned to at least try this tactic. But then I read another section where he mentions that it can sometimes work to visit the official website either the day before your visit or the morning of - as often people cannot use their prepurchased tickets. Tony tried and BOOM! Five tickets. Just like that. We were able to bypass the line of about 200 people at 8pm (I felt bad, but not THAT bad) and immediately enter. Of course, my euphoria was short lived due to the incredibly moving experience that is visiting the Anne Frank House. We spent an hour snaking our way through the tiny space and museum and I loved how every person was respectful about allowing each other the time to absorb the information and surroundings. It is nearly impossible to take in that you are standing in the tiny space that Anne and her family inhabited for two years. And that, as tiny and unbearable as it was, it was better than the alternative. Very, very sobering experience.

After our visit, we took a slow walk back to the hotel, mentally saying goodbye to Amsterdam and its beautifully lit canals on the way, because we had to leave the hotel at about 8:30 for our flight back home. 


Portuguesito disse... said...

Portuguesito disse...

Eu vou comer no "sopas dos Pobres" tudos os dias! Putugal é um país pobre, mais nao gosto o Brasil, Angola, Cabo Verde e Espanhóis ... ignorância faz parte da minha cultura portuguêsa!!!

Os português sempre chorando, chorando, chorando sobre os territórios perdidos de séculos atrás. Portugueses burros RACISTAS viver no presente não para o passado!

PUTUGAL e uma merda e verdade e verdade! Nao trabalhos pa os Velhos e os Jovems...e verdade e verdade! E racismo puro e muito desgraciado!

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