Thursday, March 27, 2008


Joe's birthday was two days ago and I have to say that the last few years have been real eye-openers in terms of trying to deal with how OLD my older kids are! I cannot believe it's been nineteen years since he was born, though I'm sure I'm not the first parent to experience this. Sometimes it is very difficult to reconcile that tiny baby and little boy with the full-grown man I see now. It's true that regardless of a child's current age, a mother sees her child at all ages simultaneously. So now I have to get used to saying that my kids are 19, 17, 6, and 5 (soon to be 6). Not to mention that I am now 46! When does it end? Well, I guess we all know when it ends : )

Here's a pic of Joe in front of his blackberry birthday pie and adorned by his brand-new Vampire Weekend hat. One thing will never change: Joe will always be a character.

Happy Birthday Bunny Boy!

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