Thursday, February 28, 2008

"I Hardly Know Him!"

I do love hearing the daily kindergarten tales from Claire and Sydney. Tony and I especially enjoy asking them about their day while at the dinner table. They're just so much more into friends now than they were even just a year ago.

Anyway, I picked the girls up from the bus stop yesterday and noticed that Claire was holding a lovely little yellow origami swan. I asked where she had gotten it and she told me that it was from a boy on the bus, Gabe, I think. I asked how old he was. Answer? Second grade. Then I made the mistake of asking (teasingly) if he was her boyfriend. Claire, with her usual aplomb, answered, "he is NOT my boyfriend. I hardly KNOW him." She just makes me laugh.

Meanwhile, Sydney got home and set immediately to work on a book for her classmate, Kavon. What is with this sudden interest in boys? Just a few weeks ago, they pretty much didn't exist - the focus was on the girls in their class. Sydney told me that Kavon is now her best friend and she drew a very sweet book about the two of them, which she made sure to pack up and bring to school so that she can present it to him. I really should have photographed it first. Sorry!

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