Friday, July 11, 2008

Mom to the Rescue

Being the mom of kids of such varying ages means that I am constantly having to change hats since being the mother of a six-year-old is very different from being the mother of a 19-year-old. Yet no matter how old they are, there is nothing like the distress call to put you into full "Mom" mode.

Today I got the distress call from Sam, who had run out of gas in a busy intersection in Reston just as rush hour was getting underway. I could hear the horns honking as she called me. That's when you go into the mode of just focusing on one thing at a time: get the gas can, get in the car, get to the gas station, etc., and trying NOT to think about her being in danger.

So, all's well that ends well and I managed to get her some gas in a timely fashion. A little more adventure than I was expecting on a Friday afternoon, but it's good to know that I haven't gotten too rusty in the "rescue department" - even though I am slowly but surely being replaced by significant others. That's life.

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