Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Double Standard

As I was making dinner, the pot I was planning to use for the broccoli had a suspiciously loose handle. So much so that a quick repair was in order. I am very much a "do it yourself" kind of girl. I LOVE tackling minor repair projects and hope that my girls will follow my lead. So, I pulled out my tool box and grabbed the girl who was closest at the moment - Claire. I asked her to "figure out" what was wrong with the pot and then how to fix it. It took her a few minutes - and a few hints - but she got it. 

I make it a point to show all three of my girls how to do their own quick repairs, so I congratulated myself for taking advantage of yet another learning opportunity. Then I realized that I really didn't make the same provisions for my one son. Uh oh - I guess I just assumed that boys learn those things through osmosis - or do they? Yikes, it appears that I have created my very own double standards. Three girls who can do repairs and one boy who is on his own. 

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