Thursday, February 26, 2009

Reading the Signs

I heard birds singing this morning. The day was dawning as I walked outside and I couldn't help but notice several birds chirping and singing. At the moment, that sensory input of the coming of spring and lovely visuals of happy birds flitting about is in stark contrast to all the other input I've taken in lately.

Number one: at work, we are in the worst of preconference mode. Today I got into a near brawl with a coworker because someone's name was spelled wrong on a plaque. The guy's middle name is J - not J. (period). We're now arguing over a period - minutiae! 

Then, there's the news. Yesterday I find out that every glass of wine I have enjoyed over the past few years (and I have REALLY enjoyed them) was actually a carcinogen that I poured into my body. And that I should stop doing that. Now. Before I get cancer of the breast, liver, rectum, and everything between my mouth and stomach. Wonderful. 

There's also the news about the danger to anyone who has ever downloaded any kind of music, movies, etc. Apparently it opens up every file on your computer to anyone who wants it. 

I am just ready to throw my hands up. Thank goodness for the birds. Oh - and for Wii Ski. I LOVE that game and there is nothing like shushing down the (imaginary) slopes after a tough day. 


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