Friday, June 10, 2016

Piece of Cake

Because I'm not already obsessing over the Looooong flight to China, my DH sent this thoughtful infographic to me today. What may look daunting to others is actually reassuring to me on several counts. First, our other trips to China required a pit stop on the west coast, equating to total travel time of nearly 24 hours. Second, I thought our current flight would take 15 hours, but WAIT! It's "only" 14! I mean, that's a cakewalk! 

Third, and most importantly, I will NOT be responsible for entertaining a baby or non-English speaking toddler at ANY point during the flight. Fourteen year olds who will most likely make every effort to ignore my existence? Perfect! You have my permission to stare at your devices for the entire flight. Flight attendant? Could I trouble you for a glass of Malbec? I mean, we're crossing 12 times zones so it'll probably be 5 o'clock at least four times during this flight. 

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