Monday, October 27, 2008

A Long Day's Journey

I just got home and I have to admit that I'm a bit weary. I wanted to stay longer with Hugh, but I was told that the nurses would change shifts at 7 and that I would basically have to leave from 7 until 8:30. At that point, I knew I would just be too darned tired and still have the drive home to consider. So, despite not wanting to leave him, I had to say goodbye for the day.

Hugh made slow but steady progress right up until when I left. He was definitely more alert, but only for brief periods - otherwise he was just sleeping, though somewhat fitfully. He would make gestures with his hand that I interpreted as, "get this damned breathing tube out," but I could be wrong. The pulmonary person stopped by several times to see if she could remove it, but at 7 she just wasn't satisfied that he was ready. She had him do some deep breaths and blow them out - he did great - I could see it on the pulmonary monitor. But since he still wasn't able to hold his head up very well yet, she opted to wait a bit longer. I had really hoped it would be removed before I had to go, but it was not to be. The good news is that he had nothing happen that would indicate any kind of problem. I'll definitely take the "slow but steady" route.

Before I left, I wrote Huey a long note and posted it on his bulletin board alongside the notes and pictures from Claire and Sydney. I also put a big note on the bag that has his glasses and hearing aids as I figure those will be the first personal items he requests. It's so hard not to be there to be his representative.

As I exited the hospital I was startled to realize it was raining. It was weird to arrive and depart in the dark. I made the quick dash back to the hotel to retrieve my car and from there it was an easy hop onto 95 South to good old Virginia. I was counting the minutes until I got home (literally since the GPS gives you a countdown) since I was just so darned tired. That 4:30am wakeup after a fitful night was really coming home to roost.

Before I close for the evening, I have to recount one last amusing story. Last night (was it really only 24 hours ago?) when Hugh and I were about halfway between Hagerstown and Baltimore, he turned to me and said, "do you have heated seats?" I looked down on the panel and realized that his seat was, in fact, set on low heat. I immediately apologized and said that yes, he'd been sitting on a heated seat for a good half hour. His response? "Thank GOD! I thought I was having a hot flash!" We laughed so hard for a good five minutes. He is such a kick.

I'm giving serious thought to trying to do an hour or two visit tomorrow afternoon/evening. I just really want to see him "up" if not yet "about."

Mom plans to call to check on him both tonight and tomorrow morning. She's promised to call me afterward, and I'll post any news then.

Love to all.

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