Friday, November 7, 2008

News From Belinda

I am laughing as I write this - a note about Belinda having spoken to Hugh, because I honestly think at this point that Belinda and I are the only people who even READ this blog!

Nevertheless, I'll press on, undeterred, and pretend that my blog teems with readers! In case you haven't noticed, I've even spiffed up the presentation by adding a few gadgets to the right. When I have more time, I'll have it link to some of my photos, but of course they don't currently support a link to Smugmug, which means I'll have to upload some pics to Picasa or Flickr - thereby duplicating effort, of which I am not a big fan. Good God, what a run-on sentence.

But back to Belinda. Had a short but nice conversation with her in which she says she had, for the first time since his surgery, spoken directly to Hugh. She said he sounds really sharp and even remembered that today is Hugh Miguel's birthday, which is more than we can say for other, unnamed family members. (jk!) Hugh was talking to her from his cell phone while he was trolling up and down the hall, trying to avoid the beleaguered stares of his nurses. He does enjoy agitating them! But Mom tells me that he's quite popular, so he's obviously charming his way out of his misdeeds. That's our boy.

When Belinda told me that Hugh started to break up when he was telling her about how I stayed with him before, during, and after surgery, I have to admit that it made me feel great. I am just devoted to that man and it's been great to finally have a chance to show him how much he means to me. He's always been there when I've needed him.

As a final note for today, happy birthday to Hugh (the smaller version)! All of your northern relatives send you hugs and kisses and hope that you'll have a great celebration with Maddie tomorrow. We can't wait to see the photos!

1 comment:

Belinda said...

Thanks Kathleen! We will make sure to send photos of the party tommorrow for Hugh Miguel and Maddie.