Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Worlds Collide!

Having grown up with fairly "non-traditional" Thanksgiving celebrations (eating ham, in shifts, at my grandmother's basement table) I really relish following a fairly traditional route in my 40s. I FINALLY get to have turkey, with the entire family around my table and I love every second of it. The more traditional, the better.

So, I had to pause for a moment this afternoon when I realized that I was breaking the "traditional" path today by listening to Kanye West's "808s and Heartbreak" while baking pies. 

How to reconcile the smell of cloves with the sounds of "Love Lockdown"? I don't really know - but what's worked for me for the past few years is to stay flexible and allow "tweaking" of our new set of traditions. That way, there's plenty of room for both turkey AND Kanye!

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