Saturday, December 22, 2007

Relative Calm

After the craze of the past month - including way more than normal upheaval in both the work and home environs, I am especially enjoying the sudden...calm. Today I've been able to tie up lots of loose ends in preparation for Christmas and it feels wonderful. I even had a half hour to sit down and read - unheard of! - though I did nod off for a few minutes.

I woke at 6 this morning, which feels like sleeping in. Made two trips to Target for stocking stuffers (they didn't actually open at 7, despite Tony's assurances. Had fun putting together the store list for cookies and our Christmas meals. The preparation is probably the most fun of the holiday. Can't wait to start baking with all the kiddles. So, just a few more newsletters to mail and a few more gifts to wrap and I'll be pretty much finished. Yippee!

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