Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Snowy Day in December

There is something "calming" about waking up to a snow-covered landscape. It just gives the world a quietness that we desperately need at times. I just wish that snow did not have to equate to cold! I guess snow still excites people at all ages. Joe texted me last night to exclaim that it was snowing in Philadelphia. (Gee - I thought it was "Always Sunny in Philadelphia")

Today is a "work at home day" - one more thing to be grateful for.

The ability to sleep in a little, wear comfortable clothing, and watch the snow from home. Above is a photo of Tony, who has broken out his Drexel fleece for the occasion. The only fly in the ointment is the need to drive to Tysons Corner at 10 for a car maintenance appointment. Drat! I've also included a few photos of the snow.

Other than that, my day is planned to trudge through my never-ending project at work, the editing of "Engineering Design." And maybe do a little online Christmas shopping at lunch. Sounds like a pretty good day to me.

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