Saturday, December 8, 2007

Off to See The Mouse King

Isn't that a great photo? THAT's what it looks like outside when you wake up before 6am on a Saturday morning. My intermittent insomnia issues seem to be returning as my mind wrestles with my long "to do" list. When I awoke at "5 dark thirty" I knew there was no way I was going back to sleep. So, employing the maxim, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em," I just gave in to it and got started on laundry, newsletter publishing, and Christmas shopping (oh, and Blogging, too!)
When I walked out to get the newspaper, it was still raining. I was really hoping to be able to hunt and retrieve a Christmas tree tomorrow, but don't relish the thought of doing so in a cold rain. Hopefully it clears out by tomorrow - but it's bound to still be a mud-fest.
Now it's time to fire up the credit card for some online shopping before I lose all track of time with my haircut, the library, Sydney's soccer clinic, Claire's piano recital, AND The Nutcracker performance at 7:30 this evening.

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