Friday, December 7, 2007

Christmas Overdrive

SO much to do as I start to panic about Christmas being a mere three weeks away. I always start to sweat when the online ordering window begins to close.
Additionally, last night I began full-scale production of our Holiday Newsletter. Somehow I've managed to put myself in a position where each year's newsletter must exceed the quality of the year before. Fortunately, I love doing it and have a crack editing staff (see photo above). But the printing takes FOREVER - good thing I am the Queen of Multitasking.
Also adding to the "joy" of the season is a VERY busy day tomorrow. After Sydney's soccer clinic, Claire will be performing in her first piano recital tomorrow at 2:30. That's her, above, getting in a last-minute practice of "Joy to the World." After the recital, we've got tickets for the Nutcracker.
Also hoping to get a Christmas tree this weekend, but we'll see if weather and schedules permit. On my "like to do" list is to see "Atonement." One of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors and it got great reviews. All of those elements can only lead to disappointment, but I am determined to discover that for myself!

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