Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Loose Teeth

Took the girls to the dentist yesterday and the "buzz" was all about who had loose teeth and how many. A few weeks ago, Sydney pointed out that she had a loose tooth - which made Claire absolutely crazy. In kindergarten, for reasons unknown, a loose tooth is a guaranteed status symbol. Claire is dying to join this elite group, but her teeth have not cooperated. So imagine her delight when Dr. Wanda informed her that she actually has two that are becoming loose. Claire immediately tried to get Dr. Wanda to commit to a specific day and time that the teeth would come out, but Wanda wisely did not provide specifics.

Even more surprising was the fact that not only does Sydney have two very loose teeth, but her permanent teeth are coming in behind them! It's kind of cool that she's carrying on our family tradition of permanent teeth not waiting for baby teeth to evacuate - even though it's bound to mean orthodontia. It also drove home for me that these girls are growing up - too fast. Permanent teeth! What's next? Dating and gradution?

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